Lal Lal Falls, Victoria. An odd image for this story? Not really...I find that in nature there are vagina and penis symbolisms everywhere. And it's easy to see what this lovely waterfall resembles. Of course, I don't have a picture of Angela White's vagina, but I have seen it in all it's glory.....and I think this is a nice tribute!
I was flicking through TV channels one night hoping to find something remotely entertaining and perhaps even enlightening, well that's exactly what I found.
Andrew Denton, one of Australia's leading interviewers was chatting to Australia's most successful porn star, Angela White.
Who is this woman, I was thinking? She looked quite lovely, she had dark hair, a refreshing look I thought in this blonde-saturated world, and I liked her face too. She had a very modest black top on, which appealed - very Melbourne, I thought!
She was articulate and funny and spoke candidly about her love of pornography. She goes by her real name because she has nothing to hide. She's won awards, several in fact, one was for 'best ever blow job scene,' in a porn film she actually produced herself. Denton wanted to know why you could only see the men from waist down in that particular scene and why their identities were hidden? "Because they are my props, they are all there for me," she said with a glint in her eye and an enormous look of pleasure and satisfaction. You go, girlfriend! Is what I thought. Why not objectify and use men for your own pleasure and get paid bucket loads for it! Smart woman. And she is enormously passionate about her work too. She knows what she wants and she goes after it.
They also spoke about the differences between a domestic bedroom scene and a porn set and why it's virtually impossible to recreate it at home. Well, one of the major differences is that on a porn set - as those of you who are regular porn watchers will already know, and the rest of will have to imagine - you can partake in consenting gang bangs, rape scenes, anal, lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual acts all at once. Plus, everyone on set is tested, it's a safe environment, and everyone who is there is there by choice - well at least on her porn sets and in the films that she acts in.
Of course we all know that porn has a very dark side too with ample examples of exploitation, drug abuse, suicide and then there is the truly grotesque and vile porn that involves children and animals - something I can barely bring myself to think about, let alone the sick fucks that produce and consume this trash.
But, back to Angela White. She was so lovely and personable that for the remainder of this story I will refer to her as Ange. I can picture myself catching up with Ange for a coffee and speaking very freely and openly about sex, something that is rarely a topic of conversation in my circle of rather reserved friends - even though I know all of them have fucked, many would probably like to fuck a bit more often, and I'm sure a few are also secret porn consumers.
So here are some of the things I like about Ange. She openly admits how wonderful double penetration is - she loves it! How refreshing is that? And the look on Denton's face at that moment was truly priceless. For those of you who don't know Denton, he is a man in his 50's, with thinning but sort of spiky hair, glasses and is rather goofy-looking. He is not what you would describe as a stud but he has a brilliant mind and he's very likable. So his interview was particularly entertaining and there was plenty of awkward laughter too.
Ange is also well spoken, educated (she has written an honours thesis and plans to do further studies one day when she gets tired of porn). She acts and produces (so I'm sure she is a very wealthy woman too, kudos to her) and she has an enormous fan-base, men, as well as women. She has quite large breasts, that are hundred per cent natural and are often the main star and tool in her films such as, "Titty Attack," where she roughly and wildly pounds her breasts on an enormous donkey-sized human penis. This seems very painful to me and a nasty way to treat breasts - but she seems to like it.
She also loves that you can freely experiment with sexuality preferences and in her experience, many women have come to realise through porn, that they are in fact bisexual or have a preference for lesbian intercourse - this of course is all freeing and empowering.
Ange also has a curvy voluptuous figure which is embraced and celebrated in the porn industry - it is an asset in fact - something that isn't desirable at all on the catwalk so this made her feel more accepted in the early days. OMG, I said to Mr Fritz with a cheeky look in my eye as we were doing a bit of research on Ange, "it looks like my body shape is more suited to porn than to fashion industry! So as I was contemplating this I also noticed that I was pleasantly surprised by this rather likeable woman.
In a way seeing this interview with Ange helped me shift my perception of porn - well at least the type of 'safe' porn she partakes in. She enjoys acting, fucking and producing the films and she comes across as super confident, and she certainly doesn't hold back while she's doing the deed, it's as explicit as you can get!
I would also describe her as a sexual athlete - crikey, it takes some serious stamina to go on and on and on... in one of her videos she apparently goes on for a whole ninety minutes! Way too long if you ask me!
But, there are some things I do wonder about. How does the body hold up after years of porn pounding? Will her anus be forever stretched out? And what about that violent and aggressive treatment of her breasts - I really did find that quite irksome to see! And orgasms? Do they even have real ones anymore? It clearly takes them ages, is that deliberate or is that merely a by product of going that hard for that long - a case of extreme desensitization perhaps?
Will someone like Ange ever be able to enjoy normal sex again with a normal guy - rather than marathon acts with some freakish beast man? Probably not. And the more I thought about Ange the more I realised she could be an addict, a sex addict, in all its forms. She must be addicted to being filmed, fucked and of course, to being observed - perhaps the latter is what she gets the greatest kick out of? How will anything post porn ever be as thrilling, intense and fulfilling?
But either way, it was nice to meet Ange and to briefly delve into her world. It certainly gave me a lot to think about and it gave Mr Fritz and I heaps to chat about.
And just a friendly warning now, if you do decide to look her up on Twitter, be prepared to cop an absolute eyeful 😉
I thought this painting by Norman Lindsay, Who Conquers Fear, 1945, is perfect for this story! A confident and voluptuous woman, who seems rather happy and fulfilled. I saw this at Bendigo art gallery last year. I think Norman Lindsay would agree that there is a strong parallel between his subject and Angela White.